Salt Lake City bidders wanted to see ‘positive signal’ the wait to host again would soon be over

Lisa Riley Roche, Deseret News, Oct. 13, 2023

International Olympic Committee leaders gave a green light Friday to awarding both the 2030 and 2034 Winter Games at the same time and sped up the process for narrowing the field. IOC President Thomas Bach said he expects the organization’s Future Host Commission to recommend, as soon as the end of this month, which bidders — Salt Lake City; Sapporo, Japan; Vancouver, Canada; Sweden, Switzerland or France — should advance. “They cannot wait until the end of November and then all of a sudden, come in with a proposal. So there is already considerable work ongoing and they will then forward the results of this work as soon as possible,” Bach told reporters. More …

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By bsmith / Administrator, bbp_participant on Oct 13, 2023